Insurance Covers on Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatments
Many people using or thinking about using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments may have questions about paying for treatment. Acupuncture and herbal treatments are generally affordable. People usually pay for these services and products themselves. Even if they have health insurance, there is a good chance that their plan does not cover most, or any of TCM therapies.
The good news is that many insurance companies now offer policies that cover acupuncture and related services performed by an acupuncturist. Private health insurance plans may offer coverage of certain therapies, such as acupuncture treatment and Chinese massage session. Some policies cover follow-up TCM Treatment by a Registered TCM Practitioner in hospital or listed medical institutions incurred within 90 days after discharge from confinement. In certain travel insurance package, the insurance policy may reimburse you for the medical expenses incurred of which you had sought treatment from a Qualified Medical Practitioner when you are overseas.
It is important to read your insurance plan to find out whether it discusses coverage of the TCM therapy in which you are interested. We can find out if the insurance provides acupuncture benefits by calling related insurance company's patient information or benefits line. Overall, however, coverage of TCM therapies is relatively limited—compared with coverage of conventional therapies.
No one can predict what the future holds. That is why protecting yourself and your loved ones in the event of an accident, anytime and anywhere in the world is top priority. As consumer interest in TCM grows, more insurance companies and managed care organizations may consider offering coverage of TCM therapies shown to be safe and effective.
The good news is that many insurance companies now offer policies that cover acupuncture and related services performed by an acupuncturist. Private health insurance plans may offer coverage of certain therapies, such as acupuncture treatment and Chinese massage session. Some policies cover follow-up TCM Treatment by a Registered TCM Practitioner in hospital or listed medical institutions incurred within 90 days after discharge from confinement. In certain travel insurance package, the insurance policy may reimburse you for the medical expenses incurred of which you had sought treatment from a Qualified Medical Practitioner when you are overseas.
It is important to read your insurance plan to find out whether it discusses coverage of the TCM therapy in which you are interested. We can find out if the insurance provides acupuncture benefits by calling related insurance company's patient information or benefits line. Overall, however, coverage of TCM therapies is relatively limited—compared with coverage of conventional therapies.
No one can predict what the future holds. That is why protecting yourself and your loved ones in the event of an accident, anytime and anywhere in the world is top priority. As consumer interest in TCM grows, more insurance companies and managed care organizations may consider offering coverage of TCM therapies shown to be safe and effective.
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