How to make fruit enzyme (Step by step shown on video)

This is something I learned from my mother, who also learned it from her friends :)
For preparation, basically:

- Any fruits - apple, papaya, pineapples etc
- lemons
- some organic sugar or slice of brown candy.
- Wash the fruits and let air dry it.

- Wash the jars, knife, chopping board and air dry it.
- Make sure that everything are clean and dry without water, to prevent contamination, growing mold or bad bacteria.
- Peeling the fruits and cut them into pieces.

- Lay one layer of fruit slice in the jar, one layer of lemon slices, one layer of sugar.
- Repeat the process until the jar is full. Remember to cover the last layer with sugar.
- Close the jar tightly and leave it at a corner without direct sunlight. Do not put in on the floor.
- From time to time, about every 2 days, shake the jar lightly to ensure that the fruits and top part of the bottle are immersed in liquid to prevent mold growth and let the bubbles out.
- Let the fermentation goes on for another 2 - 3 weeks.
- Separate the fruit from liquid and transfer the enzyme into new clean glass bottle.

- Enjoy it!
Following is a video taken to show you how to make fruit enzyme. Hope this will help you to do it yourself at home.
Good luck!
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